TEACHERS, STUDENTS and PARENTS, please read and review all the rules.
  1. Videos must be 100% produced by a student(s) currently enrolled at the school submitting the video(s). Actors may be outside the high school, but all scriptwriting, filming and editing must be produced by the student(s).
  2. Video(s) must be submitted by Friday, January 5, 2024 @ 3:00pm via FilmFreeway.
    • Please follow the directions here on how to submit on FilmFreeway.
    • Waiver Code: ARTISTSALIKE
    • STUDENTS must submit EACH entry and fill in the necessary information.
  3. A STUDENT may submit up to a total of 3 videos (1 per category).
  4. All videos must adhere to the time limits listed. Entries will not be judged past the time limits and may not be shown at the Film Festival if they are longer than the limit.
    1. Each video MUST have credits are required for all videos. 0:15 seconds can be added to the end strictly for credits only.
    1. All submissions must be submitted on FilmFreeway. Please remember to “grant permission” when sending the video file. 
  6. Videos in the category NEW JERSEY HOMEGROWN DOCUMENTARY SHORT are also to be submitted via FilmFreeway.
    • Waiver Code: NJHOMETOWNDOC
  7. All high schools in New Jersey are eligible to participate.
  8. Any use of copyrighted video or film footage is PROHIBITED. It is suggested that prior permission is granted from the artist(s) for the use of any copyrighted music. All music MUST be school appropriate. Entries with inappropriate, questionable, or offensive language or content will be disqualified.
  9. All videos must have school appropriate content. The audience for this event is intended for students, their families and the community. Keep it clean; NO profanity, violence or vulgarity is permitted. All scenes should be G or PG rated. Entries with questionable language, violence or other content may be disqualified. You may not show drug use, or tobacco or alcohol consumption, even in an anti–drug PSA. Don’t glamorize the use of drugs or alcohol in any way. 
  10. Students understand that he/she is participating as a filmmaker in the Garden State Film Festival and give permission to be photographed or videotaped, allowing any and all uses of student image and name in connection with promoting the company, exhibitions, public displays and publications without reservation.
  11. By submitting your video through Artists Alike, you have read and agree to all of the rules. You understand and agree that your video will be shown to an audience. It may also be distributed for promotional purposes by Artists Alike Studios and Garden State Film Festival and may be posted on the web.